Saturday, March 27, 2010

*Making funny things unfunny!*

There is such thing as ruining something funny by overusing it. You know, those times when you find something that you and a person can laugh at and the day is hilarious and fun times are all around. Then the next time you see that person…they say the joke again..and it's still funny! Cause you know…that was definitely hilarious. Then you see them the next day…joke….and it's like…still kinda funny, but the question enters my mind as to if you have any other funny inside of you. Is this all you got?Can we find another inside joke already?Fourth day…joke told…it's like nails on a chalkboard.

There are definitely rules to being funny and not being funny. One of those things is not overusing a joke that went over well for you once in your life. If a joke is overused it becomes hard to listen to and I'm sorry but my fake laugh can only take me so far. I really try to fake laugh at everyone, because I'd hope that someone else would give me that same courtesy. I even laugh at my Science teacher about science jokes I don't get to try to bring my failing grade up. He loves it! He beams when he feels funny. Everyone loves it. I care about making others feel jestful. I think I just made that word up, though.

I am going to laugh at you, so please work with me here. Don't overuse a joke to try to relive that glory moment you had. It's so sad when something that was once funny is completely ruined by someone who tells the joke everyday. Ya, that inside joke was awesome that one time, and yes, we will have that great memory…but please stop talking about it already!!!! Let's come up with something new! New day, new funny! And maybe in a month we can bring up the old joke and it will be funny again. Because, was good…that one day. But for it to be an everyday statement? It's just WRONG!!!!! Foul on the play!!!!!! There needs to be a rule book.

Another major rule is never introducing a funny story or movie with "You are going to think this is so funny!". Cause I'm here to tell you that it won't be funny no matter how funny it actually is. I have no idea why, but it's a buzz kill. Many people fall into the trap of thinking that giving an introduction to something funny is a must, but really it only causes harm. If nobody laughs you can play it off that you didn't think it was funny, either. OR people can be taken by surprise and actually get a good laugh and you can be all "ME? Funny? NO!" Never try to be funny, because the moment you start forcing yourself then it's so not gonna make anyone laugh. Never think about it. Don't become something you're not. Comedians are not really funny to me, because it's planned. Planned jest is not my sort of thing. In the moment random that's my sense of humor. But regardless of your sense of humor, the introduction to funny stories just never work well. Trust me, I try to laugh at everything and when I'm unable to laugh it's a problem. I'm an easy crowd!

Sometimes if I haven't laughed enough in a day I will go back to my room and just start fake laughing as hard as I can. Then I end up getting into a giggle fit because I'm trying to fake laugh and it makes my day so much better!!! There is a laugh o meter that I have to fill up each day to move forward to the next. Only people who don't understand what I'm doing get really creeped out when they hear me forcing out a HA HA HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA!!!!! My room mates just have to get used to it. They now just act like it's nothing which I really appreciate.

Anyway, funny people of the world, please keep being funny because you make my world go round! I enjoy people who always have something funny to say, so don't be afraid to say what you feel. I'm just giving some friendly advice so that my fake laugh doesn't have to be completely perfected.

have a good Saturday! :)

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