Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So..I am officially on a grandma level when it comes to bed time. Last night I wanted to stay up, but I seriously COULD NOT stay awake past nine thirty!!!! I was like....it just got dark...and I can't stay awake! I am a grandma!!!! The youngsters are just waking up, while I go to bed. In fact, I am about to go to bed in a minute, and I am pushing it. I feel like writing this at 9:43pm is going to make me late for bed. I have many things I could be doing if I stayed up late, but I choose to go to bed instead. It makes my days SO much better! I NEED my sleep! Without it I am worthless, and quite the grumpy girl. But with it...I am my best. One girl in my class called me her hero, and I can guarantee she would NOT be saying that if I stayed up late the night before. My mom used to put us to bed at 6:30pm and we'd watch the neighborhood kids ride their bikes outside our window. But through that I learned to sleep a lot, and that has stayed with me all my life. Some people can have like five or six or seven hours of sleep and survive. Well...NOT ME!!!! I think I had something I wanted to talk about on here, but now I have forgotten what it was. And I'm kinda getting sleepy talking about sleep. What on earth was it that I wanted to talk about???? I don't just blog for no reason most of the time. Even if it does seem like the reasons aren't big...hmmmm....oh gosh...my brain is like spaced out. I just had a deshavue! I just spelled that so wrong. And I just took four spoonfuls of some cough medicine that is kinda making the room shake. But my nose is so stuffed up I can hardly smell! I took Zicam even though it was recalled, because it took peoples smell away. Well I can't really smell very well right now, so I am kinda wondering if it will come back. I am a hypocondriac I think. Okay, bye!

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