Friday, October 9, 2009


Tiger Tunes is finally here, and excitement is in the air! Opening night was so much fun, and I feel like everyone who came had a great time. I can finally enjoy it, because it's the weekend, and my Spanish test is over with!

Over the past few days I've realized that I have some hardcore stage fright. Before I go on my heart is about to come out of my chest it's beating so fast. I don't want to have practiced so many times, just to mess up for the real thing! My hair has tons of product it in, and it's kind of freaking out on me, haha. But dying my hair white and blue and teasing it up into a hot mess has been WAY worth it. I could write an entire blog on what it takes to get that stuff out!!!! I ask for prayers every night for the shower it takes to make the old lady go away, and bring the real Abby back out!

I don't have much to write, because I have been writing a ton of stuff on actual paper lately. It's easier than starting up a computer and writing on a blog. Plus, I can write secrets on paper that I can't write on here, because this is public and all. I love getting insight into peoples heads, so I try to be pretty transparent in my writing. I think that kind of writing is the type that people can relate to. I make myself vulnerable, so that somebody who might need to can relate. Some people might understand what I mean by that, and some might not. My favorite writers hold nothing back. And for the most part, I am an open book to the world. But there's also parts of my head that should not be written for the public. Sad for my one or two readers that are missing out on some stories. Maybe I'll transfer the good ones over at some point. Some really good ones I can't write right now, because it might cause drama. But in a few years I will, because it's too funny to pass up.

Lately I haven't had time for leisure, but when tunes is over on Sunday, I will be a free woman!!!! Free to have a life again! I might even sing "Free Bird" at the top of my lungs Saturday night! Who knows?! I just hope I don't become anti-social, because tunes forced me to to be social everyday. But now that the weather is getting cold, my room is looking better and better. I'm going to nap. Good-bye for now!

P.S. Harvest Lattes are finally being sold in Starbucks's about time!!!!!!!!!!