Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Right now my parents are snoring back in their room and it's 7:56pm. I would gladly be asleep myself, but I figure I need about thirty more minutes to let my mind escape to another place for a little while. That's what's so great about writing…nothing else in the world matters at that point except for the words. It's a beautiful place to go.

I have always wondered why I love to go to bed so early when the rest of the world tends to stay up late enough to feel random earthquakes. The night just doesn't suite me well. I notice if I stay up past 11pm I get WAY too contemplative about my life and that is never good. Early bedtimes bring about sanity and less over analyzations which I try to stick to. I think life is a lot less complicated than we make it sometimes.

On another note, I have a confession to make. My mom has said I've been a little bit foul lately and she is completely right. This internship is making me physically tired and starving by the end of the day which is a bad combination. I am a bear if I do not eat enough and unfortunately that happened yesterday. I am usually hungry from working all day and will eat dinner around 4, but yesterday I tried to wait till 5:30 which was a BAD IDEA. I knew I was going to eat at a Mexican restaurant (and I'm sure you all know how that can go) so I was trying to forgo my afternoon snack for my own good.

Waiting after school for those few hours was TORTURE. My mom called me "super foul" which was probably giving me mercy to be honest. I laid on the couch complaining: "Ahh, I'm never going to get a job, I'm sooo tired, I'm sooooo hungry, my life is one big stressful moment!!!" I kept going on for a little while until mom almost MADE me eat a piece of cookie cake. I don't think many households have arguments like this:Me-"When is dad getting home?! How much longer?! AHHH! HUNGRY! My life is so bad!!! My future is so uncertain!" Mom- "Abby! Would you just eat that cookie cake already and stop being so foul?! GO GET THE CAKE!!!!!!"

I didn't get the cake, but my poor parents had to put up with me until we ate. I finally got to the Mexican place and was so out of my mind that I asked if they sell refried beans in a panicky state. Luckily, it was a fast place and we got our food pretty quick. It was as if my life did a 180 degree turn in about five mintues. Everything felt right in the world again and I wanted to do a tap dance on a piano! I was laughing really hard as happy feelings burst from within me. I didn't even remember why I was so stressed in the first place. I was no longer in the pit of despair and all it took was a bowl of refried beans and some cheesedip to bring happiness into my life again.

I sometimes wonder how all those skinny little girls out there stay sane? That's a legitimate question if I ever heard one. I watched an entire season of America's Next Top Model over the weekend and all I could think the whole time is: "Man, this is making me hungry!"…I might be one of the only girls that does not have trouble being jealous of the girls on TV. I am completely happy to be me and wouldn't trade places for a second! Those ladies are quite catty and I think I have a sneaky suspicion as to why. Nobody would want to see me like that, I really do become a foul human being and it's embarrassing to admit. I would be front and center in all the drama previews to pull in unsuspecting viewers.

Anyway, I'm about to go to bed. For the people out there that sometimes ask me why I'm so positive….it's not a hard answer. Anyone can be happy with a little cheesedip and beans and Jesus. That is all.

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