Wednesday, November 18, 2009

*Death and Dying Laughing!*

I totally forgot my password to this blog which means I haven't blogged enough lately!!! And it also shows that I am REALLY forgetful and should always have the same password. most of you know, our incredible granny died this week, and it's been such a great time of remembrance for us all. Each of us have such fond memories of her (and that's not just cause she died). Sometimes mean people become saints after they die, just because they died. At church we are asked how we want to be remembered when we die all the time, but what the preacher doesn't take into account is that EVERYONE looks good dead. That's just the truth. But she really was such a great woman!!! I am proud to come from such a strong foundation of Jesus-loving people!!! Not only that, she was a fun person to be around. I remember her taking me to the mall, and I would get so excited I could barely sleep the night before. I put some of the blame on her for my love for shopping. I think she would be okay with that. She and Paw had the first colored screen TV in Arkansas! They also had the first King size bed as well. Paw was the owner of a car dealership at the time. I think that is really neat! There were paper strips from times he was put in the paper in the memory books I was looking through. I come from a line of really successful people on both sides of my family. Even my great-great grandparents were super stylish and had incredible houses! I wish I could know their stories so bad!!! I wish I could wear those poofy dresses and make my hair into a cinnamon bun on top of my head like they did! So much about the past interests me. I wish I knew everyone's life story uncensored! I want to know so much about people, but most everyone is hush hush. I mean...we all pretend like we have these perfect lives, but there are definite skeletons in the closet that I want to hear!And also times when the Lord worked in lives that could be such an inspiration to people living now. I want to know things! I want to know stories!!! I'm sure Granny had times of deep sorrow and times of overwhelming joy. I bet she had many triumphs with the Lord's help. But what were they? All I know is that she was so much fun and gave the best hugs! I can still smell her and feel her soft skin. She looked great in her old age. I'm hoping that gets passed down to me!

Skipping to the dying laughing part of the title....My aunt flew in for the funeral and a group of the family went to the airport to pick her up. We made a scene (as usual) jumping up and down, clapping, taking name it! We also had a very loud conversation about those new booty pops! It's like a bra for your booty and they are selling them in the airline shopping magazine! SO FUNNY!!! We were laughing till we cried. And while we were laughing about the booty pop there was this one bag that kept circling around the pick up about twenty times. We were waiting for her bag, and didn't even THINK to look at that lone bag. We thought it was the machine next to that one, and just kept waiting and waiting. The bag kept circling, but I didn't say a word. We googled the booty pop commercial on our iphones and watched it for kicks. It's got a booty then the screen has the word "POP!!!" and all the sudden it's huge! We made an even bigger scene when that happened until finally we realized that everyone else had left the building. Then my aunt said "OH! That's my bag!!!!" hahaha! Her bag had been there for a long time but we were too consumed in our airway shopping! Then we went a different way home so we could see one of Granny's old houses. We stopped in front of it, and everyone got all emotional, and then my aunt said: "Let's go in!!!" And Nana quickly locked the door so we wouldn't be able to get out! Apparently it's not polite to barge in on private homes, even after a death. I'm sure they would have let us in. Surely. But Nana has better judgment, and it was probably best to just drive on. This part made us laugh even harder! We were laughing from the very moment the family arrived! Then we all felt bad for laughing on such a grim occasion, but we thought Granny wouldn't have it any other way. If she were here, she'd be laughing along with us. She was a loud woman like the rest of us, and is probably proud that we let the legacy live on!!! If we didn't laugh in the face of adversity, then we wouldn't be the family I know and love. If we didn't scream and make a scene...then it wouldn't be right. And I am proud to say that we trust the Lord Jesus enough to laugh even when we are down!

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