We both happen to have the same type of toothbrush only mine is orange and hers is red. The orange and red are VERY close to the same so it can get confusing at times. I knew that mine was orange because I have been using the same one for a while now, but I think Molly did not pay attention to details in the morning this week.
I brought my toothbrush to school today because I knew we were having a professional development meeting after school. It's just wrong for someone to go over 8 hours without brushing their teeth, so I made sure I wouldn't forget it. All was well until I got home and realized I left my toothbrush at school and needed one for home. Thankfully, my mom has a huge stash of extra toothbrushes for guests, so I went to grab one from her drawer.
When I got into her bathroom she looked at me a little frustrated and said: "You and Molly keep losing your toothbrushes ALL the time, this has GOT to stop!" Lose my toothbrush? What? I never lose it. What is she talking about? "Mom, I left it at school. I know exactly where it is! I'm tired of bringing it to and from school, so I'm getting another one for home." Her frustration left a little but not all the way:"Well, Molly lost hers today and you both came and took another toothbrush."
I didn't think much about that comment until I got into the bathroom and noticed Molly's toothbrush sitting in the cup like it always is. "Molly, your toothbrush is RIGHT here!!!" I said starting to question in my mind what was going on. I had a faint thought that she might have been using my toothbrush all week, but it scared me too much to even think about. I heard Molly walking nearer and suddenly she said these dreaded words: "No, that's not mine! Mine is an orange one and it disappeared!!!" *INSERT MAJOR RECORD SCRATCH!!!* I knew exactly where the missing toothbrush was.
"No, Molly! That's MY toothbrush and I took it to school! Have you been using it all week?!"
"What?! Abby! MINE is the orange one! Gross, you've been sick and I scrubbed back to my tonsils with your germs!" Apparently she has been making herself at home in my business. I've been living in this house using the orange toothbrush for a while now and Molly moves in and decides it's hers.
It was too awful to focus on and so I tried to be positive and move on. We quickly got rid of the other toothbrush and each got a new one. Once I picked mine out, I came in to put it in the cup and was shocked to see that Molly had picked out the SAME pink one as me! So now we have the SAME toothbrush... AGAIN. Sharpie, where's the sharpie?!
Yes…the life of a twin has it's disadvantages to be sure.