Saturday, December 4, 2010


The newest and most important update in my life is that I'm going to be an AUNT! Yes, as most of you know Molly is on her way to being great with child! I am very excited for this new little arrival in our family, and I know it will change our lives for the better!!! I've already been thinking of fun things I'm going to do with the baby when he/she gets older! I wonder what their favorite foods will be, because i'll have to learn how to make it! Maybe they can come to aunt Abby's house and have camp-outs in the living room like we used to do. We would throw up a tent and sleep in sleeping bags inside the house, because camping outside was not our style. We could have smores and I could write stories just for my niece or nephew! The possibilities are endless!!! Oh my goodness….shadow puppets on the tent wall! Yes, it's going to happen.

The good news is that people won't grab my hand to look at my ringless finger to figure out who I am anymore! They can just look at me and see that I'm not pregnant! I will no longer be the ringless one!!! Maybe people can just call me Abby for once!!! That would be a dream! Welcome, baby…welcome.

I know some of you are probably wondering how I am feeling about all this because well…I'm the single twin sister of the girl whose having a baby and married to the man of her dreams. My best friend Kate can be found in the arms of her love as well sending me into many awkward third wheel moments. It's kinda like an elephant in the room, so I'm going to give you word about what's going on over here. I've heard about people having conversations about me, and even got a few worried phone calls this week, so don't act like this is uncalled for. lol I truly appreciate the concerns and I will gladly tell you how I am! I am so so so so soooo happy for Molly and Logan! :) It is super weird that my sister has an entirely different life than me, but I know that the Lord's timing is the best timing. He has everything under control and things are going the way they are supposed to go! How could I not be happy with that? The Lord gives me what I need each day to keep moving forward and do His will. His grace is enough for me! And now more than ever I stand by my convictions of not settling just for anything or anyone. It doesn't matter how many babies Molly has or how many people get married around me, I am NOT going to settle for anything less than what God has for me! If that means I'm single for 30 more years, then that's gonna be the way it goes. Settling is never worth's just false security.

I have students, ninth grade bible study girls, and younger cousins that can see how I react to life circumstances. I am not only reacting for my own reasons, but for the people I love as well. I want to pave the way for new thinking. I want to teach girls that it's okay if they are the last one standing in a group of married girls. I want them to know that being patient and waiting on God's timing is the only way to go. I want them to know that self worth comes from the Lord and can't come from some guy. I know being lonely can be scary, but it isn't worth settling for a quick fix. I want them to know that if their life turns out completely different than they planned, that's okay. If you end up having to pay your own's not the end of the world. ;)

I'm finding out that God gives us reasons to be and people to love no matter where we are. And if we take life one day at a time, it doesn't feel so harsh. What matters most in life is Jesus Christ. He was there from the very beginning, and He is going to be there when everyone else is gone. When it is all said and done….God still is. I already have what I need to be happy and fulfilled. Jesus Christ is my reason for living, and therefore I can move ahead with strength and confidence no matter what life brings.