Thursday, April 1, 2010

*I have a case of Halitaphobia!!!*

Ever since I can remember I have had this extreme phobia of bad breath. I am always thinking about when I can brush my teeth and when I forget my gum I go into a panic mode. Not only that, I am constantly forcing myself to stay back from people so that their bad breath doesn't cause me to think differently about them. I'm also worried that my breath might have been bad before and there are people on earth still recollecting that fact as I do about them. Stinky breath really does effect me, and I can't spend my time around people who consistently give off an odor. I know it sounds mean, but if you were in the 2% of people who discover the world through their nose, you would understand!!!! You would be highly afraid of bad breath yourself!!!It wasn't until I saw this commercial on youtube that I realized that it is actually a legit phobia that some people have. It's called halitaphobia which really just means: "fear of bad breath". I know that I have this disease because I think about bad breath ALL the time.

I can remember many memories of being overcome with someones breath and those thoughts really haunt me. I honestly have a hard time looking past a moment like that, especially if that person is consistent in their smells. Bad breath every now and then is fine, but you have to be willing to be told that you need a mint. Be open to those critisms because it's so important. In fourth grade I sat by this boy that always came to school with crusties on his face and had horrifyingly bad breath. I got my first "C" in fourth grade and I blame it on that boy completely! If I smell something fishy, I can't concentrate on anything else.

The sad truth is that usually the people with chronic bad breath have no desire or thoughts towards changing that fact. Like the commercial says: "It's time you develop a case of halitophobia!" and how truer can a statement be? I'm not saying that I am above everyone else and never suffer from breath issues, but hello! At least I am willing to do something about it!!!! I brush my teeth three times a day and try my best to have some form of backup in my purse for those rough times of the day. Why can't everyone do this courtesy?! The world suffers when your breath reaks!!!!!!!!! I suffer! My first bad grade came from a boy with bad breath!!! I think that possibly my below average grade in Science right now is connected to that in someway!

Back in Jr. High I used to say "BREATH RUINS EVERYTHING" all the time. It really does. So please, feel free to tell me when I need to take action, because I am fighting this fight as well. Most of us are. We are not alone!!! Help your friends out! Share that last piece of gum! Spread the world of freshness!!!! But don't tell someone they have bad breath when they are in the middle of yelling in your face, because from personal experience that only adds fuel to the fire even IF you were just trying to help them out.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. I completely and totally agree with you here. One bad odor and everything is ruined, you know? You aren't alone!
