Tuesday, November 13, 2012

*Day 1 of being domestic…FAIL!*

I have been a wife for a little over two weeks now and before I really had to do anything, I was really successful at it. Playing around is my specialty and when that's all I had to do I got an A+ in that department with bonus points probably. The problem is….I am realizing just how much of a rookie I am at anything domestic. I always had this hope I would just be a natural and rays of sunshine would flood into the kitchen window as I blissfully took a perfect turkey out of the oven. Unfortunately..that's not exactly how it works and I am now more thankful than ever that I have some time to figure all this out. Because…so far…after one day of trying…it's a FAIL.

I decided to cook yesterday. Of course we ate everything in sight on our honeymoon so now I'm on a health kick to lose the good five pounds I gained last week so I thought I'd try my hand at tilapia. He told me that he liked Lawry's powder and to make it look orange. SO, I DID….I crusted the fire out of those tilapias and by the time I was finished with them I could barely scarf a bite down. It was like biting into fishy salt and seaweed. I could not even eat one, but Brian ate TWO because he's getting an A in the husband department. I don't know how he did it. We went and got sonic afterwards.

When we got home Brian laughed because the drier rack was in backwards. "I am a homemaking disaster!!!!" I yelled dramatically falling into bed later that night. "You are a homemaking WARRIOR!"  he said very seriously back. Yes, a warrior is right because if you don't know anything about cooking or cleaning…it really is a battle. Just make sure the person you marry thinks you're cute and remind him about your amazing personality everyday if you don't know anything about being domestic. Cause well…that will sustain him until he REALLY needs you to be killin it on the home front. If you are already a susie homemaker…you are a step ahead. I seriously thought I'd be a crazy cat lady extremely manless my entire life so I didn't really take time to prepare….

On a more successful note, our time in California was a BLAST!!! I had Brian all to myself for seven days with no work for him which was incredible. I only didn't see him when I was sleeping so that pretty much sums up the best life ever! He got a patdown by a man which was pretty much the funniest moment in my life. Except for maybe when he got stuck by another man in a TINY airplane seat. That might have been a little funnier.

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