Graduation stage…. the place where I cross over into my future and hopefully don't fall flat on my face in front of everyone. It does scare me a little bit because I usually make an embarrassing display of myself when it comes to any formal ceremony. My best foot is not forward and I even think it stays home.
Speaking of embarrassing displays, I don't think I have written about my outrageous Ludacris rapping that I did in front of the crowd at Kate's wedding. It was one of those things that you look back upon and grimace, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Luckily, it has made for some good jokes so I will say it was worth it even if I did make a spectacle of myself. I am pretty good at doing that.
For those of you who weren't there, I was the Maid of Honor at Kate's wedding and with that came great responsibility. As the Maid of Honor I believe that it is my duty to make sure the reception is the time of everyones life. Because of that duty, I lit up the dance floor, basically put my face into the chocolate fountain, and made grandmas come out and get down. It was WONDERFUL……until "Baby" by Justin Bieber started playing.
Everyone had fun dancing to the chorus part and it seemed like it would be a dance party the whole time. Unfortunately the verse part where Ludacris starts rapping is a little less catchy and people aren't quite sure how to dance. We were all going crazy to the chorus, but Ludacris came on everyone kinda looked around and wondered what to do with the awkward part of the song. I realized pretty quickly that I had to do something and fast.
Next thing I know I start dancing like crazy singing the rap part as loud as I could: "When I was thirteen, I had my first love…" and proceeded to do whatever I could to make everyone look at how much fun I was having. My plan definitely worked because EVERYONE got in a circle around me and the camera guy was like the eye on Lord of the Rings when Frodo puts the ring on! BAM! There he was all up in my business in an instant!
The photo guy came and was snapping, people were laughing, people were shocked, people started having fun again. I love being in the spot light so all that attention didn't help anything. I seriously threw all inhibitions to the wind and tried to use moves P Diddy did on American Idol and from the reaction it went over well. Kate even said she hadn't seen anything like that from me before and that's saying a lot. I sing and dance most days of the week, but I've never brought out my rap/hip hop persona. Until now, that's been an alone in my room type of thing, but believe me I've been workin on it! That was just the reveal I never thought would happen.
That night there was a get together at our house afterwards and people were saying the most hilarious things about my little outburst. When the music was off and the strobe light wasn't strobin, it was much more embarrassing. Things in the moment usually feel so much better than actually looking back on them. There's something about a smoke machine and a disco ball that brings out my Ludacris rapping side…I don't know what comes over me.